Website notes get a usability boost and increased character count

The Watchful dashboard stores specific information about a website in its humble little feature called website notes, which aren’t stored or logged elsewhere. Common examples include site-specific upgrade steps, client preferences, a record of site milestones or 1-off site maintenance tasks such as modifying the .htaccess
When you open a site drawer, Watchful’s sites dashboard prominently displays these notes.

are highlighted. Character limit raised to 1024
The website notes field had a limit of 256 characters for many years. Now, the character limit for this is 1024, allowing the saving of more information.
We modified the limit based on feedback from some Watchers. 1024 characters allows for room to save enough information without obscuring anything critical that Watchful overlooks with too much input.
Notably, the ability to make custom entries in the site activity logs (a feature we released last year) should reduce the information one might have otherwise included here in the site drawer.
Character counter added
When adding notes, a new character counter is visible in the lower-right corner as shown below. This small usability improvement prevents the frustration of typing a long passage and losing everything typed past the limit.

How do you use notes?
Please use the comments below to tell us how you use the website notes feature.