Update support added for Perfect Images Pro, Media Cleaner Pro and more

With over 22 plugins on the WordPress repository, Jordy Meow is a prolific plugin developer. Of these 22, seven have premium versions available from the Meow Apps website. Popular titles include Perfect Images Pro and Media Cleaner Pro.
One of Watchful’s unique features is the ability to update premium WordPress plugins on many sites at once. We’re happy to announce that the Watchful updater now supports the entire suite of Pro plugins from Meow Apps.
Which premium Meow Apps plugins can be updated from Watchful?
We have built support for the following premium plugins from Meow Apps:
- Database Cleaner Pro
- Gallery Pro
- Lightbox Pro
- Media Cleaner Pro
- Media File Renamer Pro
- Perfect Images Pro
- Social Engine Pro
Do I have to enter my Perfect Images Pro license for each site?
No way! Watchful’s centralized license manager lets you keep all your licenses in one place. Whenever you need a license for an update, we use it behind the scenes so your updates happen seamlessly.
The other benefit of centralizing your license keys at Watchful? Since your license is never entered on the website itself, it can’t be copied or abused by someone else with access to the website.
What about free plugins from Meow Apps?
The free plugins from Meow Apps are all on the WordPress repository. These plugins, and all the others on the repo, update seamlessly in Watchful as you would expect from any website maintenance tool.
Add your favorite premium plugin updates to this list
Watchful currently supports updates for hundreds of premium plugins including:
- GiveWP (all add-ons)
- Easy Digital Downloads (all extensions)
- Formidable Forms
- Advanced Ads
- WP Staging Pro
- Publish Press
- WP Fusion
- Elegant Marketplace (150+ all plugins)
- Meow Apps (all plugins)
If you have suggestions for other premium plugins or if you are a plugin developer yourself, please note the plugin name(s) in the comments below. We’ll do our best to add support for your suggestions!