Watchful Now Supports Backups with All-in-One Migration

Here at Watchful, we love both Joomla and WordPress. We know that many of you do too. Lots of Watchful users have sites on both platforms.
Our plan for 2019 is to make sure that you have access to the same capabilities, whether you’re managing a Joomla or WordPress site.
To make that possible, we’re adding new backup features for WordPress.
In the Joomla world, backup features are relatively easy because everyone relies on Akeeba Backup. There really aren’t any other options available. Akeeba Backup has been so good and so reliable for so long that it doesn’t have any competition. Watchful supports Akeeba Backup for both Joomla and WordPress.
However, in the WordPress world, the situation is much different. There are at least nine backup plugins with over 40,000 active installs, according to And that’s not even counting popular commercial-only plugins such as BackupBuddy.
- All-in-One Migration – 2 million installations
- UpdraftPlus – 2 million active installations
- Duplicator – 1 million active installations
- BackWPup – 600,000 active installations
- VaultPress – 80,000 active installations
- Backup Guard – 70,000 active installations
- WP Database Backup – 60,000 active installations
- XCloner – 50,000 active installations
- BlogVault – 40,000 active installations
So it doesn’t make sense for us to say, “We only support Akeeba Backup for WordPress”.
I’m delighted to say that we’ve added support for a second plugin: backups with All-in-One Migration. This is probably the most popular free backup plugin on It’s an excellent plugin, regularly updated, and really easy-to-use.

If you log into your Watchful dashboard and click “Edit” for a WordPress site, you’ll now be able to choose between “Akeeba” and “All-in-One WP Migration” for your site backups:

More about backups in Watchful
If you’re ready to automatically back up your WordPress sites with Watchful, our documentation will help you get started:
- Configuring All in One WordPress Migration for use in Watchful
- The three types of backups in Watchful
- Scheduling remote backups for WordPress
- Configuring Akeeba Backup for use in Watchful
Do you have a favorite backup plugin?
We plan to add support for more WordPress backup plugins.
Do you rely on a favorite backup plugin for your WordPress site? We’d love to hear from you. Let us know which plugins you’d like to see in Watchful.
Let us know in the comments below or send us an email.
Open your free Watchful account
Watchful is a free website dashboard for digital agencies. Open your free account today and learn how much time you’ll save managing your WordPress backups, updates, and security with Watchful.
No credit card is required and there is no long-term commitment.